Sunday, June 24, 2012

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things...."

Well, let's start with the basics here.  I'm Travis Saucier, but I might be better known as Enygma, here on the internet.  I am a lifelong gamer, and have managed to eek out a 15 year career or so in the wonderful world of video games.  I am extremely well schooled in gaming not only as a hobby, but also as a business, which is something I believe that the gaming community sorely needs to remember when they are thinking about their favorite consoles, publishers, and developers.  I hear I'm a pretty good writer (I am probably my own worst critic), and  I am hoping that word will get around about my little endeavor here, and we will see where it goes.  I know I can swing the "sword of sarcasm" very well, and plan on doing a great length when called for.  

So, you're probably asking yourself, "Why are you starting a gaming blog?"  I will answer that with two very simple truths.  The first one, I stated above.  I believe a lot of people look at gaming simply through the eyes of the consumer, which quite honestly, there's nothing wrong with.  We are all consumers.  Hell, I've been a consumer for 30 freaking years plus.  However, the business perspective is rarely looked at from the side of the consumer.  Why do companies do this, or why do companies do that?  While the obvious answer is "to make money," I do hope I will be able to offer a more in depth look at as to the business.  The second reason is that I have been noticing over the last several years that there are gaming media outlets that are either extremely angry for no real reason, or so pretentious in their reviewing that I personally think that they probably have forgotten about the bliss and joy that gaming is supposed to bring all of us.  So while I can't promise that I'll never "rant" about things, because I am sure I will, I will state that I plan on bringing a more respective view to this blog, and not focus on cussing about how bad something sucks over and over again.  

My plans for this blog also include countdown lists, retro reviews of older classics, and my own personal insight as to where I think gaming is going as a whole.  I welcome debate and disagreements with my views as well, after all, no one is perfect, and one man's trash is another man's treasure.  I would also love suggestions for upcoming pieces you'd like to see me do.  I can't promise I can and will do any and all suggestions I get, but I will do my absolute best.

I do have a twitter account, which I will link from this blog.

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